Our materials

With its many years of experience, the Lacroix group has diversified the range of materials it uses to create custom packaging products to meet your different needs.

A variety of techniques are used with wood, cardboard, plastic or cellulose, each material offering particular advantages. This allows us offer you packaging solutions that meet both the applicable standards and your requirements in terms of food storage and protection.

Our wooden packaging

Our wooden packaging are suitable for various types of food products and combine authenticity, sturdiness and quality.

Customisable and practical, they are both visually attractive.

Our cardboard packaging

Opt for lightweight, sustainable and customisable cardboard packaging.

Our FSC®-certified cardboards are recyclable and ideal for cheeses, deli products, cakes and pastries among many other products.

Our plastic packaging

Our food-grade plastic packaging products combine technical qualities with practicality.  They are exclusively monomaterial to facilitate recycling.

They offer you the possibility of tailored solutions with numerous options available to meet the requirements of the food industry.

Our cellulose packaging

Discover pulp packaging, the latest new packaging solution!

Made from renewable resources, cellulose is an alternative to the other materials on offer.  Available in several shapes and sizes, our cellulose packaging solutions are also suitable for direct food contact.